Home Alone Hijnks From an In-Home AI Anti-Fraud System

A new prototype smart-home AI system was activated in a time of urgency in February in a $1.4M Silicon Valley House. It was used to keep a group of unethical lawyers and a realtor from seizing the house from its owner and selling it while the owner was in Honduras getting married and honeymooning with his new wife.

Brent Oster is an aerospace engineer, roboticist, AI researcher and CEO of ORBAI, working on home AI. He quickly developed a prototype AI security system using ORBAI’s Smart Home AI. The system has vision, speech interface, face and voice recognition, threat analysis, and, now a massive array of non-harmful pranks it can activate in the house to annoy, deter and terrorize people who should not be there. ORBAI is calling it Home Alone AI.

Why not just call the police? Well, these thieves are lawyers, and their business model is to lie, cheat and steal to fraudulently force an owner out of their home, sell it without permission, and take all the equity. According to Oster, police and even state bar have been useless against this family crime ring of corrupt and unethical divorce attorneys for decades, unable to stop them as they defraud dozens of people every year.

Oster developed the Home Alone AI system with security cameras to watch the exterior, and interior spaces, feeding footage to the vision-processing AI, which does facial recognition, and looks for people trying to gain access. It then electrifies the doorknobs and handles at electric fence level voltage, then with taser voltage if they persist.

If it recognizes a banned individual, the Home Alone AI can spray cold water from aimed nozzles, soaking and demoralizing them, or augment the spray with optional repellents, that include extra strength skunk scent, ghost chili pepper, as well as a few that are even more radical.

The home has exterior and interior drones that can be activated when needed. These can fly in and get a closer look at people, annoy them, taser or pepper spray them, or just ram them until they give up and leave.

If the interlopers manage to get inside, and try to sell the house to people, “the real fun begins,” says Oster. On a hot day, the electronic thermostat will crank the heat, and on a cold day the AC will be turned down full blast to make the people inside maximally uncomfortable and want to leave.

Valves around the house are actuated electronically to make toilets overflow (with bubbles) when hearing key phrases like “here is the bathroom,” or to shut off water taps when they are being demonstrated (“funny, that worked during the inspection”). Showers can spontaneously spray blood-red dye when hearing “And look at this master-bath shower.”

Cupboards and drawers will pop open with solenoids when people lean in to look, startling them with fake human heads, fake hands, or other more offensive body parts inside that will pop up, shutting down a family-themed open house immediately.

Speakers will play sounds of bees, mosquitoes or skittering cockroaches moving through the rooms, to unnerve people. The face ID system can identify people and just randomly whisper secret, embarrassing things from the speaker they are nearest to, like a ghost nobody else can hear.

Hidden electric-operated scent canisters can be activated with smells like putrid shrimp, skunk, rotten cabbage, sewage, and cadaver: none of which are conducive to home sales.

The AI can monitor the psychological state of the people, using progressively more disturbing stimuli to push them over the edge and out of the house. There may or may not even be pyrotechnics to augment this.

The goal of all this is simply to frustrate, to delay, to give time for lawsuits and injunctions to work while real estate thieves are stymied from getting in, getting the house ready, or showing it to sell. ◊

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