Faraday Cages in Ancient Egypt

Electric Ancient Egyptians

Electric Ancient Egytians is a provocative sturdy that reads Egyptian artifacts in an entirely unexpected way.”

— M. Lynn Rose, PhD, Professor of History

A ceremonial chamber. But might it have had electrical properties?

Author James Ernest Brown thinks that ancient Egyptians understood natural forms of energy. He believes they were working with things like static electricity and unseen forms of energy, now referred to by scientists as subtle energy.

Ancient Egyptian pharaohs had unusual gold-covered structures that Egyptologists call “ceremonial chambers.” They were the size of a small bedroom and had a pair of large doors on one end. Constructed of hardwood, these chambers were covered with heavy gold foil inside and out. There were many sizes, all large enough to accommodate substantial pieces of furniture, with a human either lying on a bed or sitting in special chairs. Various sizes of chambers were found in good condition. Egyptologists believe that pharaohs spent time inside these chambers for special ceremonies.

Ancient Egyptians covered these wooden room-like structures inside and outside with pure gold foil. Since gold is one of the best conductors of electricity, Brown believes the ancient Egyptians used these so-called “ceremonial chambers” to create an ideal environment to transfer electricity to various parts of the human body.

These so-called ceremonial chambers bear a remarkable similarity to a Faraday cage, which is an enclosure that blocks external electrical fields by channeling electricity through outer conductive materi

Faraday cage

This modern Faraday cage, courtesy wikimedia, illustrates the concepts the ancient Egyptians might have incorporated into their devices.

al. The shield provides constant voltage on the entire exterior of the outer enclosure. Physicist Michael Faraday built the first Faraday cage in 1836 and observed that the charge resided on the exterior but had no influence on anything inside. He built a chamber covered with metal foil inside and outside and allowed high voltage discharges from an electrostatic generator to strike the outside of the “cage.” He used an electroscope to demonstrate that no electric charge was present inside the room.

Difference in voltage is the measure of electrical potential, so no current flows through the space. This principle protects modern electronic equipment from lightning strikes or other electrostatic discharges. Ancient Egyptians used pure gold foil to cover these wooden structures on the inside and outside. Gold is one of the best conductors of electricity. Brown believes the ancient Egyptians used these so-called “ceremonial chambers” to create an ideal environment to transfer electricity to various parts of the human body. The chairs and beds used inside the chambers had wooden bases, which would prevent them from being grounded inside the chamber.

Gold was abundant in ancient Egypt, however Brown believes gold did not represent wealth. Instead, he suggests that this super-conductive material was used to facilitate remarkable uses of natural forms of energy. Gold would have been the metal of choice since it is the best surface electrical conductor. There is anecdotal evidence that the ancient Egyptians were able to produce their own gold. The ancient name of Egypt was Khem, from which our word alchemy comes, the ancient tradition of transmuting base metals into gold.

Usually the pharaoh reclined inside the chamber on a raised platform bed, which Egyptologists call a sled bed. The legs were often lion-shaped with a pair of lioness heads on one end of the bed. The entire wooden bed was covered with heavy, solid gold foil except for the black painted wooden base that supported the bed’s legs. The gold on the beds would not touch the gold metal inside the chamber. The chairs and beds had wooden bases, which would prevent them from being grounded inside the chamber. A person lying on one of the sled beds, or sitting on a special chair inside the chamber, would also not be grounded. Because wood is a non-conductor, if the sled bed was inside the chamber, and a person was lying on the bed and not touching anything inside, the human body would be floating inside an electrically controlled environment, creating a unique opportunity to amp up the electricity in the body.

Inside the chamber, feet rested on a wooden block so the body was not grounded. This would allow the human body to become a capacitor, capturing the static electricity created inside the chamber, and increasing the stored electrical charge within the person’s body. Adding the additional energy from the hands of an attendant, who was also inside the chamber, would add more electrical charge to the person lying on the bed or seated on the chair. The collected energy stored in the body could then discharge the electricity at will.

We now know that humans are electrical beings. Chinese Acupuncture charts support this idea as they show more than 400 locations on the human body that could become electrical “hook up” points. If a piece of solid gold was placed on one of these acupuncture points, and then a measured amount of electricity sent to a specific part of the body that needed an electrical boost, a stimulating burst of energy would enter at that point.

The Egyptians’ knowledge and use of natural forms of energy is explored in James Ernest Brown’s award-winning book Electric Ancient Egyptians. Brown has concluded that what was previously identified as ceremonial chambers were in fact unusual and unique ways to capture and manipulate electrical energy in the human body. Modern science has enabled us to measure voltage in different parts of the human body, retuning it for a form of electrical healing. ◊

You can order Electric Ancient Egyptians here.

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